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Flash Drive comparison based on choice of 1 or multiple selectable filters.

After selecting the initial flash drive size for comparison it would be a most useful further comparison to be able to choose one other or multiple selectable filters so that a user could compare apples with apples and pears with pears. For example: Suppose 1) my PVR needs to have a flash drive with ext3 file system connected to it in order to read from and copy files from the PVR to the flash drive. 2) My PVR has a USB 2.0 port but I want to use a compatible USB 3.0 Flash Drive to connect to it. 3) I want to use a 64GB Flash Drive.
Therefore the filtered information I would be interested in seeing in a comparison list is:
1) Size of Flash Drive.
2) Name of Flash Drive and Model number.
3) Speed of R/W in a ext3 file system.
4) Flash Drive USB specification (USB 3.0, USB 2.0 etc.).
5) Connected Device USB specification (USB 3.0, USB 2.0 etc.).
So being able to view a list of 64 GB, USB 3.0 Flash Drives (which are backward compatible with USB 2.0) and reading the R/W speeds when transferring data from and to a ext3 file system would present with data that I can make an informed choice of which 64 GB, USB 3.0 Flash Drive would be most suitable for my needs.

Paddy Pantsdown , 19.09.2013, 20:02
Idea status: under consideration


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